
Essential Oils - Taos Herb Company

Essential OilsThe best plant sources for pure and lasting aromatherapy applications.

In aromatherapy, the quality of the oils is everything. Our essential oils are high quality, pure, therapeutic grade A oils from the finest botanical sources. Many lower quality oils are produced only for the perfume industry. Our therapeutic grade pure essential oils are stronger, deeper, and appropriate for aromatherapy applications. Wear your favorite lavender or rose scent for a longer lasting fragrance. Read More in our Articles

Aromatherapy Diffusers and Books

Essential OilsEssential oils are concentrated and potent. Most essential oils containing phenol (such as cinnamon, clove, and oregano) can cause irritation to the skin. They should be diluted before use. Most essential oils are not intended for internal use. (For more information, consult an aromatherapy practitioner.) This product is not intended to diagnose or cure any disease. If you are sick or believe you might be sick, consult your doctor.

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