June 2015 View on our Website Text Version In This Issue: Jack Rabbit and the River Fair (A Fable ) Visible Bugs Invisible Bugs HERBAL ALLIES Retail Store SALE View Our June Calendar of Events Jack Rabbit and the River Fairy (A Fable) "Every one hop into the car, we are going to the woods for a picnic," called Bunnie Rabbit to her large brood of children. Bunnie counted each of her children, twelve in all, as they juggled, jostled and squeezed into their places in the car. When all were secured in their seats, their father, Brother Realy Rabbit jumped in and drove his family to their favorite picnic spot near the Crooked River in the Xylon forest. Upon arrival, eight-year-old Jack jumped out of the car and raced down to the river. He could hear the rushing water before he could see it and smelled the sharp, pungent aroma of Brook Mint as the leaves bruised under his feet. At the river's edge he found himself being attacked by a hungry swarm of mosquitoes. He flailed and swatted at them and finally in frustration he picked up a stone and threw it out over the water into the reeds and brush on the other side. Suddenly he heard a high pitched screech of alarm and found himself being dive bombed by a river fairy. "Your rock almost destroyed my bower!" she scolded. Jack's ears drooped in contrite embarrassment as he apologized for his thoughtless act. "I'm so sorry, I wasn't thinking because I'm being harassed by these pesky mosquitoes". They're ruining my fun. The River Fairy, like most fairies, was inclined to help the needy using her magic and her knowledge. She told Jack that the remedy was right under his feet. The Brook Mint (Mentha arvensis), also called Poleo, that grows near the river is the source of a volatile oil called pulegone, which can repel mosquitos. "Just pick a handful of leaves and rub them over the exposed areas of your body", she advised. Jack gratefully followed her advice and happily played, unbothered by mosquitoes, for the rest of the day. Visible Bugs Mosquitoes, fleas, flies, no-see-ums, spiders, ticks and ants are some of the biting bugs that threaten to disrupt our summer fun. The repellent effects of aromatic plants have been used for thousands of years, most often by hanging bunches of the bruised plants in the house. It is the aromatic essential oils in these plants that can repel insects by sticking to their antennae and throwing off their sense of direction. Poleo or Brook Mint is only one of many herbs that contain aromatic oils that have a repellant effect on mosquitoes and other biting bugs. Some others include Catnip, Peppermint, Pennyroyal, Lavender, Geranium, Citronella, Sage, Thyme and Rosemary. Invisible Bugs Sometimes it is the bugs that we can't see that pose the most threat to our wellbeing. Our environment is full of unseen organisms like bacteria, parasites and fungal spores that are just waiting for an opportunity to take up residence in and on our bodies where they are not welcomed. They can be transmitted through the air, in water, on our skin, and on other surfaces like table tops or door handles and enter our bodies through wounds or other inflammations that break down our natural barriers to these pathogens. Many of us are all too familiar with the threat to our digestive tract from unfriendly bacteria that reside in under cooked poultry or other meat and in vulnerable food left unrefrigerated. Herbs like Wormwood (Artemesia abscinthia), Black Walnut Hulls (Juglans nigra), Sagebrush (Artemisia tridentate), Chapparo (Chapparo amargosa) and Clove Buds (Syzygium aromaticum) have been used historically to address the problem of unfriendly intestinal passengers. The active chemicals in these plants are volatile oils (phenols and terpenes), which support a healthy environment in the intestines. HERBAL ALLIES Bug-Me-Not Lotion and Spray is a blend of Citronella, Mint, Rosemary and Thyme essential oils many people find useful to fend off those pesky flies, mosquitoes and no-see-ums. Catnip Oil Spray is a pleasing blend of catnip, eucalyptus and geranium oils. The essential oil in Catnip, nepetalactone, has been found to be highly effective in repelling mosquitoes, cockroaches and termites. Thief Oil is a pleasant, spicy blend of Clove, Lemon, Cinnamon Bark, Eucalyptus and Rosemary oils which can be used in an aerosol spray to purify the air and to clean household surfaces, keeping both visible and invisible bugs in check. Pennyroyal Oil, the oil derived from Pennyroyal herb (Mentha pulegum), also called Mosquito Plant, is a rich source of the volatile oil pulegone. Tea Tree Oil was used historically by the aborigines of Australia, who introduced Captain Cook to the healing power of the trees. They showed him how they used the leaves for a myriad of medicinal applications. Three T's is a potent blend of Tea Tree, Thyme and Thuja essential oils, often used on finger and toenails. Wild Oregano Oil has many beneficial properties due to the presence of carvacrol. Wormwood Compound includes all of the herbs recommended by Dr. Hulda Clark with additional benefits of Male Fern and Quassia. Black Walnut Hull Fresh Extract is useful for promoting cleansing of the intestine and is especially helpful when the intestinal biota is out of balance. Chaparro Compound is a combination of herbs that includes Chaparro amargosa (Crucifixion Thorn) which is used to support intestinal health when the biota are out of balance due to travel or exposure to questionable food or water. June Calendar of Events Thursday, June 4th 2:00 - 4:00 pm Raven Tomkin Energy Work Friday, June 5th 3:00 - 5:00 pm Daniel Pretends Eagle Chair Massage East meets West in my practice, which combines hands-on deep tissue work and myofascial release with energetic elements from my experience in Tai Chi, Qi Gong and Oriental medicine. My goal is to assist the client in finding the inherent physical, mental and spiritual balance that each of us uniquely possess. As a result, I've been able to help clients successfully manage chronic pain, recover from injury and experience deep and lasting relaxation. Tuesday, June 9th 2:00 - 4:00 pm THC Product Demo Thursday, June 10th Jacqui Croat 2:00 - 5:00 pm Chair Massage Thursday, June 11th 2:00 - 4:00 pm Harp and Flute Music Friday June 12th 12:00 - 2:00 pm Debra Sherry - Homeopathic and nutritional advice and information specifically in relation to thyroid and adrenal health. Tuesday, June 16th 4:00 - 6:00 pm Pot Creek String Band Wednesday, June 17th 12:00 - 4:00 pm Sunny Redmond Sound Healing and Cranial Sacral Adjustment Thursday, June 18th 12:00 - 3:00 pm Carol Weaver Chair Massage Thursday, June 25th 2:00 - 4:00 pm Raven Tompkin Energy Work BUENA SALUD! "Always laugh when you can, it's cheap medicine" George Gordon Byron Email Feedback | Facebook Feedback 5 Seconds for Valuable Info Co-founder Tina Hahn gives you simple, easy-to-read tweets without a sales pitch. With 30 years of expertise under her belt, Tina knows her stuff! Sign up to receive her daily care tweets that take about 5 seconds to read. Sign Up for Taosherbs on Twitter. 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